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Inner speech, or "the little voice inside your head", can be roughly described as the experience of being silently talking to oneself. The phenomenon raises important questions about how best to characterize it in phenomenological and functional ways, what relation it holds with other mental phenomena, what methodologies are more suitable to study it, or what models are more promising to understand its workings. The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for the discussion of different approaches to inner speech, bringing together a number of philosophers and psychologists with diverse stances on this topic. We invite researchers with relevant work on inner speech to submit a paper on any related topic (see details here).


The workshop is part of a joint project between the University of Granada and the University of the Basque Country (Research Project FFI2011-30074-C02). It will take place in Granada, July 1-3 2015.


Invited speakers


Juan José Acero (University of Granada)

Charles Fernyhough (Durham University)

Keith Frankish (Open University & University of Crete)

Sharon Geva (University College London)

Russell Hurlburt (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

Peter Langland-Hassan (University of Cincinnati)

Edouard Machery (University of Pittsburgh)

Fernando Martínez-Manrique (University of Granada)

Alain Morin (Mount Royal University)

Agustín Vicente (Ikerbasque & UPV/EHU)

Sam Wilkinson (Durham University)

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