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Workshop venue: Aulario de la Facultad de Derecho, Sala Tirant Lo Blanch, aula 21  (Faculty of Law, Tirant Lo Blanch Hall, room 21)


Wednesday July 1

9:00 Welcome

9:15-10:25 Keith Frankish (Open University / Crete) Doing what in language?

10:25-11:35 Charles Fernyhough (Durham) The voices in our heads


Coffee break

12:05-13:15 Sam Wilkinson (Durham) In what sense can inner speech be misattributed?


Lunch (Cafetería Cordones, at Molinos 7)

15:00-16:10 Fernando Martínez-Manrique & Agustín Vicente (Granada & UPV/Ikerbasque) The relation between unsymbolized thinking and inner speech

16:10-17:20 Franz Knappik (Humboldt) Inner speech and consciousness of thoughts: a probabilistic inference account


Thursday July 2

9:15-10:25 Sharon Geva (UCL) Neuroscience of imagery and the special case of inner speech

10:25-11:35 Peter Langland-Hassan (Cincinnati) Inner speech and metacognition:  Theoretical challenges and empirical results


Coffee break

12:05-13:15 Felicity Deamer (Durham) The pragmatics of inner speech: Reconciling theories of linguistic communication with what we know about inner speech


Lunch (Cafetería Cordones, at Molinos 7)

15:00-16:10 Edouard Machery (Pittsburgh) Beliefs, desires, and inner speech

16:15-17:20 Víctor Fernández Castro (Granada) Inner speech in action


21:00 Workshop dinner: Ruta del Azafrán (Paseo del Padre Manjón, 1)


Friday July 3

9:15-10:25 Russell Hurlburt (Nevada) Naturally occurring inner speaking

10:30-11:35 Juan José Acero (Granada) Question-answer structures in inner speech


Coffee break

12:05-13:15 Alain Morin (Mount Royal) The self-reflective function of inner speech


Lunch (Cafetería Cordones, at Molinos 7)


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